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Homeless man sitting on the street in the shadow of the building and begging for help and


Support for the homeless is taken very seriously, and will be given periodically via a variety of methods - Guardian can provide; 

- Hygiene products.

- Blankets and winter coats/jumpers.

- Food and/or clothes parcels. 

- Small lunch time street hardship payments.

According to 'Shelter"; "There are at least 271,000 people recorded as homeless in England, including 123,000 children - One in 208 people in England are without a home.

According to 'crisis'; "The average age of death for people experiencing homelessness is 46 for men and 42 for women. People who  sleep on the street are almost 17 times more likely to have been victims of violence. More than one in three people sleeping rough have been deliberately hit or kicked or experienced some other form of violence. Homeless people are over nine times more likely to take their own life than the general population."

Anyone can become homeless and many of us think/hope it will never happen to us. People become homeless for due to many reasons; Social causes due to lack of affordable housing, poverty and unemployment. Life habits such as addiction can push people into homelessness. People can be forced into homelessness when they leave prison, care, or the army with no home to go to. Many are forced to leave home due to violence and abuse. And many can become homeless due to financial issues. Life events (such as relationship break downs, losing a job, mental or physical health problems) can put people under emence strain. Being homeless can, in turn, make many of these problems even harder to resolve. 

Wouldn't it  be nice to help a person out on occasion

Being homeless, and living on the streets, is devastating and dangerous. Guardian here for you will support the homeless during winter with such aid as mentioned above by way of street visits in communities. Throughout the yeah, Guardian here here for you will also provide support to individuals where applicable. 

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